My final project for my Animation II course. I decided to create my own version of the popular animation meme "Epoch" on YouTube. Animation memes are where anyone can take an original animation video and create their own version of it, hence the "meme" aspect. As the "Epoch" animation meme is a back story meme, I centered it around the story of Iris from my original series "Crux of Thorns". We begin the story with Iris reflecting on her childhood and the incident that destroyed her family. The story ends with Iris on the run, never stopping as time goes and she grows into an adult. Created with Photoshop, After Effects and Premiere.
Character Reference
Character Reference
Character Reference
Character Reference
Character Reference
Character Reference
Run Cycle Roughs
Run Cycle Roughs
Finalized Sketch for Run Cycle
Finalized Sketch for Run Cycle

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